- All livings and non living things connect each other so that out biosphere is cycling. Biology is the important to learn even though I am not going to be a scientist or whatever careers that requires biology. Because since we (human) are also the part of the biosphere and living things, I guess study of life is very essential.
Q.what is the definition of life (in my word)?
- I was going to answer this question during the class as the definitions of life in my word and my thought is "right this moment" but the book's definition is "Life is recognized by what living things do."
Q. what is the characteristics of living things?
- Living things must follow some characteristics; however these characteristics do not necessary to appear to every single living thing.
growth and development
5 facts
1. Organisms interact with their environments, exchanging matter and energy; therefore we all affect each other and make perfect environment to live together.
2. Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life; we can see the similarity from our common ancestors but also by the evolution, we changed and make diversity.
3. Structure and function are correlated at all levels of biological organization. There are all reasons to be made of some certain forms. Evolution had affected our structure and we had been changed by environment or other effects in order to survive and reductively well.
4. Cell is the basic unit of structure and function; we divided many other living things into Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cell.
5. The continuity of life is based on heritable information in the form of DNA; there are only 4 things made of, but because of order of arrangement, my gene and your gene are different and I am separated from butterfly. This is also explanation of unity and diversity.

- This picture is about the levels of biological organization. This is showing the levels and when the level is higher, the new characteristic is appeared so that the low level could not have it. Everything is started from Molecules and when molecules are gathering and make organelles. One molelcule could not have done manythings but once it gathers around, it makes organelles eventually. (emergent properties)
1. Emergent properties are due to the arrangement and interactions of parts as complexity increases.
2. Reductionism is the reduction of complex systems to simpler components that are more manageable to study.
3. Homeostasis is the tendency of a system, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus tending to disturb its normal condition or function.
4. Energy conversion: the exchange of energy between an organism and its surrounding often involves the transformation of one form of energy to another.
5. Genome is entire arrangement of genetic instructions that an organism inherits
6. Natural selection: the all the living things develop to survive from their predators over the time.
7. Inquiry: a search for information and explanation, often focusing on specific questions.
- Discovering science (descriptive science): mostly about describing nature.
- Hypothesis-based science: explaining nature.
8. Controlled experiment is designed to compare an experimental group
9. Theory is much broader in scope than a hypothesis and general enough to spin off many new, specific hypotheses that can be tested.
10. Data: recorded observation; items of information on which scientific inquiry is based.
- Qualitative: form of recorded descriptions rather than numerical measurements.
- Quantitative: generally recorded as measurements
video - natural selection -
summary chapter 1
This introduction chapter briefly shows me the important concept of biology. Everything cannot explain without evolution due to evolution, our biosphere is distinguished by a lot of species and kingdoms. Emergent properties are also important themes.
Looking at one small unit, there is no special power to affect our life, but when small things gather together appears new characteristic and able to do more things than as it single part. Such as gene are made of only 4 letter of information but when they are together and ordered differently in many way they can be the information of our essential system.Theory is bigger and more general idea than hypothesis.
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